Providing Nationwide Staffing Solutions for the Printing, Packaging & Graphic Arts Industries

  Career Resources

To better assist you with your employment search, the following information is a tool to help you through the process:

  1. Resume Writing Tips
    Be concise and current. Your résumé's purpose is to interest the employer to want to interview you.

    Your resume should include the following information:
    1. Contact Information; name, address, phone numbers, and email address.
    2. Job Objective &/or Summary
    3. Employment History ( most current and back ). Include Dates, Employer's name, location, job titles, accomplishments, promotions, etc. Be explicit.
    4. Education or related Training/Classes.
    5. If your resume is managerial, include all responsibilities, reporting structure, department size, budgets, P&L, improvements, accomplishments etc.
    6. If your resume is technical, include a section which lists all pertinent equipment, hardware and software.
    7. Interests/Outside Activities.
    8. References; available upon request.

    There's not a problem with a multi-page resume. We've placed many candidates with multi-page resumes. Remember, your resume is a tool to sell yourself!

  2. Interviewing Tips
    This is the most important part of the employment process, so it's very normal to be nervous. But if you prepare yourself for the interview, you will feel more at ease and more confident. Here a few tips to help you through the interviewing process:

    1. Research the company and interviewer if possible. The internet is a great resource.
    2. Know the exact time, date and place of the interview.
    3. Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to interview.
    4. Dress appropriately (business attire is strongly recommended). You only have one chance to make a first impression!
    5. Practice your answers to anticipated questions.
    6. Introduce yourself with a hand shake and in a polite manner.
    7. Make eye contact with individual asking the question and when answering the question.
    8. Listen to the full question before answering.
    9. Bring an extra hard copy of your resume.
    10. Bring a list of questions.
    11. Be positive and upbeat.
    12. Always thank all involved in the interviewing process for their time; try to get business cards so you can email follow up thank you messages.

  3. Follow Up
    You are finished with the interview, but there are a few post interview steps that are important.

    1. Call your recruiter to inform him/her of how the interview went and any questions or comments you have. Your recruiter will let you know what the next step is!
    2. Always send thank you emails to all who were involved in the interview process. If you need help with names or titles, ask your recruiter.
    3. If the interviewer asks for particular information do so as soon as possible.

 I have worked with Marie in our acquisition of several key employees. With her firm you will get the personalized attention that the other firms promise, but fall short on delivery. The attention to detail with respect to matching a candidate to our specific needs has always been a priority for Marie. I have no hesitation recommending Marie Leising & Associates for your Graphic Arts Recruiting needs.  

COO Brian Dunn
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